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St Joseph's R.C. Primary School

Criw Cymraeg

This week the CC met up to discuss how we are going to improve welsh across the school. We decided that we wanted to hold a competition to design a welcome poster to the school. We would ask the children to make a bright colourful poster that really shows people entering our school that we are proud to be welsh. 

In our meeting this week we updated the website with the welsh phrase of the week. Every week we will change this phrase and we will encourage children to use this phrase around the school and at home. We will choose a different phrase each week

This week a few members of CC went on a walk around the classrooms to looks at the displays. We looked at the school display policy and we noticed that it said that every display should have welsh. It could be a welsh question or welsh vocabulary or information about the display. 

We looked at the displays in the classrooms to make sure that we could see welsh on them. 

Here is an example of a display which has welsh on it.